Thursday, July 21, 2016

Being Content

We should always be grateful, whatever stage of life we find ourselves in.  For me, I had envisioned myself and my now ex-husband, having finished raising our children, living and enjoying time to ourselves.  He had different plans, and it didn’t quite work out that way.  Our children are grown and on their own, and I am so proud of them.  But as for me, well, I am still unattached.  You may think, “What’s the big deal?  Lots of people are single, so suck it up Buttercup.”  Yes, this is true.  Many people are single and perfectly content, and many pray for companionship.  I am in that latter group. 

I loved being married and never wanted to be single again, but I must play the hand I am dealt.  I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God has a plan for my life, and I know that I will be remarried one day.  How do I know these things?  He audibly spoke Jeremiah 29:11 to me one day as I was praying and washing dishes.  As for being remarried, He gave me a vision…a snapshot of my wedding day.  I hold on to these nuggets of gold that He so graciously afforded me.  I trust Him.  I trust His Word.  He is not One that He can lie.  He has my best interests at heart, and He’s got me.

Now, as for timing, well…He’s a bit too slow for my taste, but what’s the daughter of The King to do?  You guessed it…wait!  I don’t have to like it, but I do have to trust Him.   I know that I am in a season of metamorphosis, but what I don’t know is how long this season will last.  He is changing me day-by-day into the woman of God that I was born to be.  Although I am less than thrilled with my singleness, I do love our time together.  You see, I do not have the distraction of a mate to take my focus off Him.  I look to Him for everything.  He is my Companion, my Heavenly Husband, my Sufficiency, my Protector…my Everything.  How can I begrudge myself and Him of our precious time together by constantly whining for a husband?  I trust that He is preparing my husband for me, me for my husband and both of us for Him, and when He is good and ready and we are fully prepared, our paths will merge and together we will walk in a Christ-centered marriage.  That will be well worth the wait, so until then, I will continue to cherish alone-time with my Jesus, lay my desires down at the foot of the Cross, allow Him to change me and hold my longing for a husband in my heart…which is exactly where He dwells.