Friday, July 22, 2016

No Ordinary Girl

She’s no ordinary girl.  In fact, some view her as daft.  Those with whom she shares her desires grin slightly and shake their heads as if she expects the impossible.  Sometimes she agrees with them.  They pity her.  At times she pities herself.  The road she has chosen is a difficult one.  As she travels along, most days are filled with sunshine and joy, but there are days that are tumultuous.  Occasionally, she finds herself at a crossroads, wondering what she is doing, marveling at the madness of it all.  Will it be worth the wait?  Will it ever happen?  Her head tells her no, but her heart continues its search.  She has been given a promise, and she will not give in.  There are times that her knees buckle under the weight of it all, but she climbs to her feet and keeps on.  She puts herself on an imaginary shelf of protection.  There are men who come along to toy with her, and her flesh hungers to respond, but should she descend, there is a hefty price to pay.  She stands her ground and sends them on their way, her heart yearning all the more for the right one.  She is not conceited but careful.  The right man will need to be extraordinary, just like her.  Love for his Father will need to trump his love for her.  Within himself, he will need to carry the strength to lead her yet the gentleness to love her brokenness.  With tender hands, hold her heart and cherish it.  Cherish her.  And she him.  She prays for him and asks her Father to choose him and send him to her in His time.  Until then, she will scan the distance and continue waiting.

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