Tuesday, July 4, 2017

A Lady in Waiting

Her cup runneth over and the joy of the Lord is her strength.  By the world’s standards, she is an independent woman.  She works hard, pays her bills and provides for herself, but she knows that it is the Lord Who truly provides, she just works.  She takes a humble pride in the fruits of her labor and is blessed beyond imagine.

Although her life is full, she is missing something.  She has no companion with which to share her life.  Her heart, though full and happy, aches at times.  She longs to share her life with the man of God’s choosing, in His timing and not her own.  If but for a moment, she allows her thoughts and her heart’s desire to come together as she envisions what it will be like:  Their life together isn’t perfect, but they choose to place Jesus in the center.  You see, a three-stranded cord is not easily broken.  She trusts him to lead her, purify and love her with every bit of himself.  On her behalf, he goes before the Lord and enquires of his Creator as to how to care for her.  She has handed her heart to him, and he is honored because he knows just how fragile it is.  It has been broken before, so he is ever careful with it.  He sees it as a gift and takes painstaking measures to protect it.

She is grateful and blooms in the light of his love.  He also trusts her with his heart, and she knows the precious gift that has been given her.  She honors him, prays for him and respects him.  She trusts his decisions because she knows he is led of the Lord.  Their love for one another is pure and holy and Christ-centered.  Their union...a shadow of the union of Christ and His Bride.  Just as Christ gave his life for the church, so he gives his life for her.  They walk together as one along the path that the Lord has placed before them…One day, it will become reality.  Until then, she will continue to pray and wait…and dream.

1 comment:

  1. This is so so sweet. God bless you for living for Him. We know He will be faithful and caring in all that you give HIM.....even handling the desires of your heart.
